The Feynman Technique: A Simple Method for Understanding Complex Concepts

Admin - March 15, 2023

Richard Feynman, a world-renown physicist, was once approached by a student who was struggling to understand a complex scientific concept. Feynman listened patiently as the student explained the problem, and then proceeded to ask him a series of questions about the concept. As the student struggled to answer, Feynman realized that he didn't fully understand the concept himself. So he went back to the source material and spent hours studying and breaking down the concept into simpler terms. This experience inspired Feynman to develop a simple method for understanding complex concepts, which he called the Feynman Technique. In this blog post, I'll explain the Feynman Technique in detail and show you how it can make learning even the most challenging concepts a breeze!

What is the Feynman Technique?

The Feynman Technique is a method for learning and understanding complex concepts by breaking them down into simpler terms and explaining them in a way that anyone can understand. It's a four-step process that involves identifying gaps in your understanding and addressing them by revisiting the source material.

Step 1: Choose a concept or idea you want to learn

The first step is to choose a concept or idea that you want to understand better. This could be anything from a physics equation to a programming language to a philosophical concept.

Step 2: Explain the concept in simple language

The second step is to explain the concept in simple language, as if you were teaching it to someone who has no knowledge of the subject. This forces you to break down the concept into its most basic components and helps you identify any gaps in your understanding.

Step 3: Identify gaps in your understanding

The third step is to identify any gaps in your understanding or areas where you struggle to explain the concept. This could be anything from a lack of knowledge about a specific term or concept, to a misunderstanding of how the concept works.

Step 4: Study the source material and re-explain the concept

The fourth and final step is to go back to the source material, study it more deeply, and re-explain the concept in simpler terms until you can do so without difficulty. This step helps you fill in the gaps in your understanding and reinforces your understanding of the concept.

To illustrate how the Feynman Technique works, let's consider an anecdote from Richard Feynman himself. As a graduate student, Feynman was asked to teach a class on electricity. Despite being a physics genius, he realized that he didn't truly understand the subject himself. So, he set out to teach himself the material using the Feynman Technique. He would write down a concept he didn't understand, then explain it to himself in simple language. He continued this process until he could explain every concept in the textbook without difficulty. Feynman went on to become one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century, thanks in part to his mastery of the Feynman Technique.

An Example

Let's look at an example to see this technique in action. Imagine you are learning calculus and come across the concept of a derivative. By using the Feynman Technique, you can break down the concept of derivatives and understand it in simpler terms.

Step 1: Choose a concept or idea you want to learn

In this case, we want to learn about derivatives in calculus.

Step 2: Explain the concept in simple language

Let's say you are explaining this concept to a 5 year old. You say, derivatives are a way of measuring the rate at which something is changing. For example, if you are driving a car, the derivative of your position would be your speed. It's like asking "how fast is something changing?"

Step 3: Identify gaps in your understanding

The 5 year-old is struggling to understand why the derivative of position is speed and so are you after trying to explain it. In this case, you may have to understand that the derivative of position has a time component to it or you may need to revisit some basic concepts in calculus, such as limits or the concept of the slope of a curve.

Step 4: Study the source material and re-explain the concept

Now that you've identified the areas where you need to improve your understanding, it's time to go back to the source material - your calculus textbook or lectures - and study it more deeply. As you read, try to explain the concept of derivatives to yourself in simpler terms, and make sure you understand each step of the process.

For example, you could use the analogy of a slide at a playground. The slope of the slide determines how fast you will slide down it. If the slide is very steep, you'll slide down quickly. If the slide is less steep, you'll slide down more slowly.

Similarly, in calculus, the slope of a curve represents the rate at which the function is changing at a particular point. The derivative of a function represents the slope of the curve at every point along the function.

You could also try using visual aids like graphs or diagrams to help illustrate the concept. For example, you could draw a graph of a car's position over time and show how the slope of the graph represents the car's speed at any given point in time. The larger the derivative is in magnitude, the "steeper" the slope, or in the case of the car, the greater the speed.


This technique can be applied to any subject, from science to history to literature. By breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms, you can gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and retain the information more effectively.

Richard Feynman himself was known for his ability to explain complex scientific concepts in simple terms. In fact, he once famously explained the concept of magnets to a group of non-scientists by saying, "You know how you get two magnets and you push them together and you can feel that they're pushing against each other? That's like electricity and magnetism. They're pushing against each other."

The Feynman Technique is a simple but powerful method for understanding complex concepts. By breaking down a concept into simpler terms, identifying gaps in your understanding, and re-explaining the concept in your own words, you can deepen your understanding and build a stronger foundation of knowledge. Whether you're a student struggling to understand a difficult subject or simply looking to learn something new, the Feynman Technique can help you master even the most complex concepts. So, the next time you're faced with a difficult concept, give the Feynman Technique a try and see how it can transform your understanding.