What is spaced repetition learning?

Admin - March 3, 2023

Are you tired of forgetting important information shortly after you learn it? Do you struggle to retain new vocabulary or concepts for your studies or work? Fear not, my friend, for I have a solution that can help you overcome this problem: spaced repetition.

What is spaced repetition?

Spaced repetition is a learning technique that uses spaced intervals to reinforce previously learned information. This technique is based on the psychological principle of the spacing effect, which suggests that learning is more effective when study sessions are spaced out over time. In other words, instead of cramming for hours on end, spaced repetition involves distributing study sessions across several days or weeks, with longer intervals between each session.

How does spaced repetition work?

So how does spaced repetition work in practice? Let's say you're trying to learn a new language. You might start by memorizing a list of vocabulary words, but you quickly realize that you can't remember all of them. Instead of reviewing the entire list at once, you would use spaced repetition to gradually reinforce the words you're struggling with. You might review the words again the next day, then a few days later, then a week later, and so on. With each repetition, the intervals between reviews become longer, allowing you to solidify the information in your long-term memory.

Applications of spaced repetition

Spaced repetition has been used in a variety of settings, from language learning to medical education to music practice. For example, medical students might use spaced repetition to memorize the names and functions of different anatomical structures, while musicians might use it to practice difficult passages or pieces.

A practical example of this is: imagine you're learning Spanish and struggling to retain new vocabulary. Start by creating flashcards for your new vocabulary words and reviewing them over several days. On day one, review all the flashcards and focus on the words you're having trouble with. On day two, review again and focus on the problem words. By day four, review the problem words again, and by day seven, review only the words you're still struggling with. Over time, gradually increase the intervals between reviews, and you'll find that your ability to retain the new vocabulary words improves dramatically.

How it came to be

The idea of spaced repetition can be traced back to the 19th century, when German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus conducted pioneering research on memory and forgetting. Ebbinghaus found that forgetting follows a predictable curve over time, with the most rapid forgetting occurring shortly after learning. He also found that repeated exposure to information can slow down the rate of forgetting and improve retention.

Since Ebbinghaus's work, numerous researchers and educators have explored the benefits of spaced repetition. In the 1970s, cognitive psychologists Sebastian Leitner and Piotr Wozniak developed a specific spaced repetition algorithm called the Leitner system, which uses flashcards and a series of boxes to gradually shift information from short-term to long-term memory. Today, there are a variety of software programs and apps that use spaced repetition algorithms to help users learn and retain information more effectively.


In conclusion, if you want to improve your learning and memory, consider giving spaced repetition a try. By spacing out your study sessions and gradually reinforcing previously learned information, you can improve your retention and recall over time. Plus, you might even find that it's a more enjoyable and effective way to learn compared to cramming. So go ahead, space it out and watch your memory skills skyrocket!